How to make roses from dries rose petals

How to make roses from dries rose petals

Rose shaped from dried rose petals

This are not dried roses. They are shaped from rose petals.

For those interested, here are some details:

  • The bigger, more flowering and fleshy the roses, the better.

  • In order to maintain the color but especially the shape of the petal, the most important thing is to dry the rose suspended by the tail (without touching anything around), in a ventilated place, before the flower shows any signs of drying, or as few as possible.

  • Do not let the flower dry completely – check it in about two days. Look for the moment when the stem is dry, at the tips and up to half the petals no longer show signs of moisture (touch them, feel them, but especially play with the shades of color) but, at the base, they still show signs of lightness, moisture.

  • Detach the petals carefully, one by one. If you got the right moment, well, it should come off easy.

  • Do not leave the petals loose overnight. Shape the flowers immediately. They stick very well with hot glue. Be very careful how you handle them! You can burn your fingers badly. The material being organic is much more fragile and much thinner compared to a manufactured material.

This flowers presented in the picture, were made 6 weeks before taking the photo . They haven’t changed color or shape at all during this time.

I hope that you will like it so much, that it will tempt you to try it too!

Trandafiri modelati din petale de trandafiri uscate

Nu sunt trandafiri uscati, dar sunt modelati din petale de trandafiri.

Pentru cei interesati, cateva detalii:

  • Cu cat trandafirii sunt mai mari, mai infloriti si mai carnosi, cu atat mai bine.

  • Pentru a mentine culoarea dar mai ales forma petalei, cel mai important este ca trandafirul sa fie pus la uscat suspendat de coada (sa nu atinga nimic în jur), intr-un loc ventilat, inca de cand floarea nu prezinta semne de uscare, sau prezinta cat mai putine.

  • Nu lăsati floarea sa se usuce complet – cam la doua zile verificati-o. Căutati momentul cand tulpina este uscata, la varfuri si pana la jumatate petalele nu mai prezinta semne de umezeala (atingeti-le, simtiti-le, dar mai ales jucati-va cu nuantele de culoare) insa, la baza, prezinta inca semne de usoara umezeala.

  • Desprindeti petalele cu grija, una cate una. Dacă ati apreciat bine momentul, ar trebui să se desprinda usor.

  • Nu lăsati petalele desprinse peste noapte. Modelati florile imediat. Se lipesc foarte bine cu adeziv la cald. Mare atentie cum le manevrati! Vă puteti arde tare rau la degete. Materialul fiind organic este mult mai fragil si mult mai subtire in comparatie cu un material fabricat.

    Acestea sunt facute cu 6 saptamani inainte de a face fotografia. Nu si-au modificat deloc culoarea sau forma in tot acest timp.

    Sper sa va placa atat de mult incat sa va tenteze sa incercati si voi!

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